I believe that I just heard that Rosie O'Donnell had a heart attack at 50??? Somehow, even now that I am older, I still tend to imagine key people as being older than I am. I have not yet gotten used to doctors, policemen, clergy, and well-established celebrities as being YOUNGER than I.
I am not one to dwell much on obituaries; I don't check the paper every day, for example. have lived in my current location for only 4 years and therefore don't know many people. However, I gradually became aware that people around my age, an age I once considered "old," are dying. When I do see an obituary for someone in his 50s or younger, I look for a reason that will put me at ease. "Kicked in the head by a horse" would be a great reason, since I don't own a horse. No worries there. A suicide will sadden me, but there is still a bit of relief. That person made a conscious decision. Her death was not due to her body's betrayal. Cancer, heart attack, et al, however, is a frightening cause of death for someone at a young age. (Imagine that I now think of 50 as "young.") But for the grace of God and all that.
Now, 50 year old O'Donnell, who is 3 years younger than I, has had a heart attack sneak up on her. Okay, yes, she's overweight, but haven't I had twenty pounds or so gradually cling to my stomach, hips, and butt??? True, I've worked out on a more or less regular schedule most of my adult life, but until lately, I've slacked off. Am I in danger? Heart disease runs in my family. My maternal grandmother was only 56 when she died, and my mother had significant heart issues in her 50s that would eventually end her life at 75.
I'm being paranoid, but how does one KNOW? Is the ticking in my chest a ticking bomb? A cousin of mine felt an aching in his leg one morning, which he ignored. That afternoon, he suffered a major coronary and died. Just like that. True, if one has to die, that's the way to go (as they say): without pain and without lingering, but at 59??? No. Not fair.
Get better, Rosie. And hopefully, my returning to a regular workout schedule will keep me active and healthy for another 40 years or so.
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